Specialty Consulting Editors, indicated by an asterisk (*), are members of the PLOS Medicine editorial board who provide additional advice, commitment and support to the journal in their respective areas, in response to the number of submissions that we receive in those areas. These editors provide an ongoing, specific time commitment to the


2020-01-31 · PLOS is pleased to welcome Professor Michael Malim as co-Editor in Chief of PLOS Pathogens as of December 2019. Having joined the PLOS Pathogens editorial board in 2004, and serving as a Section Editor for HIV and Retroviruses prior to this appointment, Mike’s expertise will be a great asset to the Pathogens community going forward.

To lead this new phase for PLOS Biology, we are also fortunate to welcome a talented and passionate new Editor-in-Chief, Nonia Pariente. Welcome, Nonia! “I’m very excited to take on this new role. PLOS Biology has a very strong reputation and an inspiring vision. PLOS Biol ogy Year in Review. 2020 was a year to remember for PLOS Biology.

Plos medicine editor in chief

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She oversees the editorial department and the development of services, products and policies to promote open science. Conferences Meet our Editor-in-Chief at #ACSBOSTON in August | Booth 712 August 17, 2018 By PLOS ONE Editors PLOS ONE is excited to be exhibiting at this year’s American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting in Boston. The PLoS ONE Impact Factor was calculated by dividing the number of citations in the year by the total number of articles published in the two previous years. An Impact Factor of 1 means that, on average, the articles published in the journal one or two years ago have been cited 1 time. Editor-in-Chief. The editor-in-chief is Joerg Heber.

Each PLoS community journal will cover a broad field of research—so the journals serve specific scientific communities. The journals are also run by the community—academic editors-in-chief and associate editors, supported by PLoS staff.

In this collection of newly published research articles, Ruth Nussinov (Editor-in-Chief) and Amarda Shehu (George Mason University, USA) highlight some of the latest advancements in computational treatments of macromolecules focusing upon recent computational methods investigating various aspects of the relationship between macromolecular structure, dynamics, and function.Through this the

PLOS Medicine's editor-in-chief, Virginia Barbour, was an invited speaker at the workshop, alongside Goldacre." I do not see how the source supports the assertion that the workshop in London was the result of pressure. PLOS One (stylized PLOS ONE, and formerly PLoS ONE) is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLOS) since 2006. The journal covers primary research from any discipline within science and medicine. If you would like more information about submitting to PLOS ONE please either visit its website or email plosone@plos.org.

Titel, PLoS Medicine (Tidskrift). Person och roll. Tina Rönn - peer reviewer. Beskrivning. Dato/periode. 2016 dec 21. Relaterade organisationer. Diabetes - 

Plos medicine editor in chief

2013-10-10 · PLOS is very pleased to announce that on October 7 2013, Professor Grant McFadden joined Professor Kasturi Haldar as joint Editor in Chief of PLOS Pathogens. Professor McFadden has been associated with PLOS Pathogens from its very beginning in 2005; he became deputy editor in October 2007. Contact the PLOS ONE media relations team at onepress@plos.org.

She is a board member of the Public Library Of Science and the Berkeley Institute for Transparency in the Social Sciences, was a member of the US National Academy of Science study committee on replicability and reproducibility, and co-founded the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS).
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The group includes four PLOS Board members who are themselves active researchers, two of our journals’ academic Editors-in-Chief, alongside researchers who are not formally associated with PLOS. We are delighted to welcome the following members to the PLOS Scientific Advisory Council. But as highlighted in several venues (including articles from PLoS Medicine, and, recently, from Mark Johnston, Editor-in-Chief of GENETICS), the Thomson Scientific (formerly ISI) impact factor is no longer the only and best metric by which to assess meaningful scientific contributions. 2020-01-31 · PLOS is pleased to welcome Professor Michael Malim as co-Editor in Chief of PLOS Pathogens as of December 2019. Having joined the PLOS Pathogens editorial board in 2004, and serving as a Section Editor for HIV and Retroviruses prior to this appointment, Mike’s expertise will be a great asset to the Pathogens community going forward.

With a research background in molecular biology, Richard has worked as an editor for more than 20 years, successively at Nature, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology and The Lancet. These editors provide an ongoing, specific time commitment to the journal and they receive a stipend in acknowledgement of this. Jean Adams.
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Kristina joined PLOS in early 2020 as Chief People & Equity Officer, responsible for guiding global people and DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) strategy at PLOS. Kristina has had a non-linear career with 20 years in executive roles with not-for-profit, professional services, technology and equity organizations.

Elizabeth Ashley.